Pumpkin Penny &

Betty Blueberry 

knitted flat, Pumpkin stands at 10 cm tall 

Doll is 18cm tall.

A kaz kew pattern


All wool is Dk 

purple/Orange (MC) 40g, 

Skin tone 5g (or less)

White, Green, brown or yellow (hair)5g (or less)

Black, oddment for eyes

3 mm needles

2.5mm needles (used for hair only)


Darning/large eyed needle for sewing up.

Abbreviations used in this pattern

c/o Cast on

c/off Cast off

Inc increase

k knit

p purl

st stitches

k2t knit 2 together

p2t purl 2 together

kfb (knit into front and back), or your preferred method of increase 

ss stocking stitch

(--) x?  repeat instruction inside bracket the number of time stated {e,g x2 = twice}

Pumpkin, Dress, main body, head all knitted in one piece 

starting at bottom of pumpkin

  • unchecked

    c/o 6

  • unchecked

    kfb x 6 12st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (p1, kfb) X6 18st

  • unchecked

    (p2, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k1, kfb) X6 24st

  • unchecked

    (p3, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2, kfb) X6 30st

  • unchecked

    (p4, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k3, kfb) X6 36st

  • unchecked

    (p5, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k4, kfb) X6 42st

  • unchecked

    (p6, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k5, kfb) X6 48st

  • unchecked

    (p7, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k6, kfb) X6 54st

  • unchecked

    (p8, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k7, kfb) X6 60st

  • unchecked

    (p9, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k9)x6

  • unchecked

    (p9, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    Repeat last 2 rows 7 more times 

(16 rows in total)

  • unchecked

    knit 1 row

  • unchecked

    k1,(yo,k2t)x29, k1 (picot row) 60st

  • unchecked

    knit 1 row 

  • unchecked

    p 3 rows (bottom of dress) 60st

  • unchecked

    (yo, k2t)x30

  • unchecked

    p 1 row 60st

  • unchecked

    Repeat last TWO rows 14 more times 

(30 rows in total)

  • unchecked

    k2tx30 30st

  • unchecked

    k 1 row (for reference, when attaching inner piece at waist)  

Your work should resemble this picture, notice now the pattern in

the skirt tilts the work to the right, this will even out when sewn up.

  • unchecked

    Change to bodice colour (white) knit 1 row

  • unchecked

    p3, p2t, p6, p2t, p4, p2t,p6, p2t, p3. 26st

  • unchecked

    ss 2 rows start with knit

  • unchecked

    k3, (k2t, k4)x3, k2t, k3. 22st

  • unchecked

    ss3 rows start with purl

  • unchecked

    k3, k2t, k2, k2t, k4, k2t, k2, k2t, k3. 18st

  • unchecked

    ss 3 rows start with p

  • unchecked

    k2t x 9       9st

  • unchecked

    Change to skin tone wool ss 3 rows start with purl

  • unchecked

    Head kfbx9 18st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k2, kfb)x6 24st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k3,kfb)x6 30st

  • unchecked

    ss 9 rows start with purl

  • unchecked

    (k3, k2t)x6 24st

  • unchecked

    purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k2, k2t)x6 18st

  • unchecked

    purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k1, k2t)x6 12st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2t x 6 6st

  • unchecked

    Thread yarn through remaining stitches to bind off tightly,

    • leaving a long end to sew down the head seam.

Before sewing, turn work over and pick up  30 st (purl bumps) where

bodice joins skirt, you can use either colour for this.


Inner waist insert

  • unchecked

    knit 1 row 30st

  • unchecked

    (p3 p2t) x6 24st

  • unchecked

    (k2, k2t) x6 18st

  • unchecked

    (p1, p2t)x6 12st

  • unchecked

    k2t x6 6st

Thread yarn through remaining stitches to bind off tightly, leaving a

long end to sew row ends, you can continue to seam bodice and

skirt at this point remembering to stuff BODICE and HEAD only.

Fold along picot row,  You should find that the  “cast on edge of

pumpkin” and the “inner waist insert bind off stitches” align ABOVE

each other, Sew these together with MC. (I used 4 stay stitches but

you can use as many as you feel you need to secure them together)


Arms (make 2)

In skin tone wool and starting at hand

  • unchecked

    c/o 6st

  • unchecked

    (k1, kfb)x3 9st

  • unchecked

    ss 4 rows start with a purl row

  • unchecked

     Change to Green and purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    Change to bodice colour and ss 14 rows starting with a knit row

  • unchecked

    (k2t)x2, k1, (k2t)x2, 5st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

Thread yarn through remaining stitches to bind off tightly, leaving

a long end to sew row ends together, remembering to lightly stuff

before closing the seam.

Attach to the bodice close to the neck near decreasing stitches.

Neck ruff/collar

  • unchecked

    c/o 14st

  • unchecked

    k 1 row

  • unchecked

    kfb x14 28st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k 1 row

  • unchecked

    k1, (yo,k2t)x13 (picot row) 28st

  • unchecked

    k 1 row

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked


  • unchecked


Fold in half along picot row and sew cast off and cast on edges together.

place around the neck and  secure in place.

Waist Ruff,

  • unchecked

    c/o 32st

  • unchecked

    purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k1, kfb)x16 48st

  • unchecked

    k1, (yo,k2t)x23, k1(picot row) 48st

  • unchecked

    k 1 row

  • unchecked

    Purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2t x 24 24st

  • unchecked


Fold in half along picot row and sew cast off and cast on edges together.

place around the waist and  secure in place.


With 2.5mm needles and colour of your choice

  • unchecked

    c/o 6

  • unchecked

    kfbx6 12st

  • unchecked

    purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    kfbx12 24st

  • unchecked

    purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k1, kfb)x12 36st

  • unchecked

    purl 1 row

  • unchecked

    k 1 row places a marker at each end of this row, for

    • reference when sewing ends together.

  • unchecked

    Cast on 15 stitches at the start of row, then cast off

    • 17 stitches, slipping the last stitch back to the

    • left needle, you should have 34st on your left needle. 

  • unchecked

    Do this five MORE times, six strands created 24st remain

    • on the left needle. None on right needle

  • unchecked

    Cast on 12st, then cast off 14 stitches, slipping the last

    • stitch back to the left needle, you should have 22st on

    • your left needle.

  • unchecked

    Cast on 8st then cast off 10 stitches, slipping last stitch

    • back to left needle, you should have 20st on your left

    • needle.

  • unchecked

    Do this three MORE times, now 11 strands created

    • 14st remain on the left needle. None on right needle

  • unchecked

    Cast on 12st, then cast off 14 stitches, slipping the last

    • stitch back to the left needle, you should have 12st on

    • your

      left needle.
  • unchecked

    Cast on 15 stitches at the start of row, then cast off 17

    • stitches, slipping the last stitch back to the left needle,

    • you should have 10st on your left needle

  • unchecked

    Do this five MORE times, 18 strands created and you

    • should have one stitch to bind off.

Use bind off thread and sew row ends together placing markers

together and sewing to cast on edge.


Place on top of head with seam at rear and secure in place 


Starting on underside of hat using 3mm needles

  • unchecked

    c/o 32st

  • unchecked

    k 1 row

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k8, kfb,(k4,kfb)x3, k8 36st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k5, kfb)x6 42st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k6, kfb)x6 48st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k7, kfb)x6 54st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (k8, kfb)x6 60st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k 3 rows

  • unchecked

    k1 (yo,k2t)x29, k1 (picot row) 60st

  • unchecked

    k1 row

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t k7) X6 54st

  • unchecked

    (p8, k1)x6

  • unchecked


  • unchecked

    (p8, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t k6) X6 48st

  • unchecked

    (p7, k1)x6

  • unchecked


  • unchecked

    (p7, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t,k5) X6 42st

  • unchecked

    (p6, k1)x6

  • unchecked


  • unchecked

    (p6, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t, k4) X6 36st

  • unchecked

    (p5, k1)x6

  • unchecked


  • unchecked

    (p5, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t, k3) X6 30st

  • unchecked

    (p4, k1)x6

  • unchecked


  • unchecked

    (p4, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t, k2) X6 24st

  • unchecked

    (p3, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t, k1) X6 18st

  • unchecked

    (p2, k1)x6

  • unchecked

    (p1, k2t) X6 12 st

  • unchecked

    Change to green p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2tx6 6st

  • unchecked

    ss 8 rows starting with purl row

Thread yarn through remaining stitches to bind off tightly,

leaving a long end to sew row ends together. Sew row ends together.

VERY Lightly stuff around edges of the pumpkin, it is important not

to over stuff.

Slightly push “green stem” up through cast on edge (see picture)

and sew cast on edge to 2nd or 3rd row from “green stem” this will

hold down the stem so it is close to the head.

Place on top of head/hair (TRY to line up purl stitches on

hat and pumpkin for a better finish) and secure in place

using the cast on edge (of hat) as a reference as to where

to place securing stitches.

If you wish to add a leaf to the stem


  • unchecked

    c/o 3st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k1, yo,k1yo,k1 5st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2, yo, k1, yo,k2 7st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k3, yo, k1, yo, k3 9st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2t, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2t 9st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2t, k5 k2t 7st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2t, k3, k2t 5st

  • unchecked

    p 1 row

  • unchecked

    k2t, k1, k2t 3st

  • unchecked

    p2t 1st

Bind off weave in ends & attach to stem 

Eyes, Mouth & Nose

Once the hat is in place, decide where to place 2 french knots

for eyes (in black wool).

Nose is placed between eyes one row lower down using 3 over

stitches. (skin tone wool) 

Mouth is placed one row below the nose and  one over stitch

is used in peach or a light pink colour wool.

This FREE pattern was created for the sole use of FB group

for the love of all crafts. The pattern is not for sale and

should not be sold. It is not available anywhere except this

FB Group at this time. 

(It will be made available to the general public on Ravelry

shortly after initial release on the FB group).

The members of the group can use this pattern to create

as many items as they wish, to sell, gift or donate.

If members are asked for the pattern. It would be kind if

the member points ANY non member to the group, for a

copy of this pattern and not print out and/or  give copies away. Thank you.


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