Gnorman Pattern created by Kaz kew


DK in all 6 colours

I have used colour change/muticoloured for base of main shape

2 complementary colours for hat, (I also used one of these colours for belt and shoes).

Skin tone for hands, nose and head

cream for shirt.

Red for heart 

eyelash wool for beard (tinsel and faux fur wool can also be used) 

3mm needles through out

Abbreviations used in this pattern

k Knit

p Purl

k2t Knit 2 together

p2t Purl 2 together

inc increase (Knit into front and      Back(KFB), or your preferred method)

st stitches

ss stocking stitch

(--) x?  repeat instruction inside bracket the number of time stated {e,g x2 = twice}

Turn    work stated number of stitches and turn without wrapping 

W+T wrap and turn, after knitting required number of stitches wrap

wool around next stitch without knitting and turn work.

PSSO pass slipped stitch over last knitted stitch.

Sl 1 slip next stitch without knitting

Main piece Body and head starting at base.(i've used colour change wool)

  1. Cast on 8st

  2. inc in all 16st

  3. p 1 row

  4. (inc k1) x 8 24st

  5. p 1 row

  6. (k2, inc) x8 32st

  7. p 1 row

  8. (k3, inc) x8 40st

  9. p 1 row

  10. (k4, inc) x8 48st

  11. p 1 row

  12. (k5, inc) x8 56st

  13. p 1 row

  14. (k6, inc) x8 64st

  15. p 1 row

  16. (k7, inc) x8 72st

  17. p 1 row

  18. (k8, inc) x8 80st

  19. ss 5 rows start with p

  20. (k6 k2t)x10 70st

  21. ss 4 rows start with p

  22. (p2t,p5)x10 60st

  23. ss 4 rows start with k

  24. (k4, k2t)x10 50st 

cut wool Long leaving long end to sew  when finished

  1. belt change colour, ss 2 rows start with p 

  2. shirt change colour, ss 2 rows start with p 

  3. ( p2t, p3)x10 40st

  4. ss4 rows start with k

  5. (k2, k2t)x10 30st

  6. ss 4 rows start with p

  7. (p2t)x15 15st

  8. Change to skin tone ss 2 rows k then p

  9. k1 (inc, k1) x7 22st

  10. p 1 row

  11. inc in all st 44st

  12. ss 11 rows starting with p

  13. k4 (k2t, k3) x8 36st

  14. p1 row

  15. (k1 k2t)x 12 24st

  16. p 1 row 

  17. k2t x12 12st

  18. p 1 row

cut wool leaving long end, bind off by threading

wool through remaining st and using to close back seam.

Stop at the belt. 

Stuff the head at this point. Change

to long end from no.24 continue to sew pausing

to stuff before sealing closed


Hat working in TWO colours

Main colour(mc) and Contrast Colour (cc)

  1. mcCast on 54st  

  2. ss 8 rows starting with k

  3. cc k2 rows 

  4. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  5. (p7, p2t) x6 48st

  6. cc k2 rows

  7. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  8. (p6, p2t) x6 42st

  9. cc k2 rows

  10. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  11. (p5, p2t) x6 36st

  12. cc k2 rows

  13. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  14. (p4, p2t) x6 30st

  15. cc k2 rows

  16. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  17. (p3, p2t) x6 24st

  18. cc k2 rows

  19. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  20. (p2, p2t) x6 18st

  21. cc k2 rows

  22. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  23. (p1, p2t) x6 12st

  24. cc k2 rows

  25. mc ss 3 rows start with k

  26.  p2t  x6 6st

  27. cc k2 rows

  28. mc ss 3 rows


Cut wool leaving Long, Bind off by threading wool

through stitches on needle.and sewing row ends together.

Beard in eyelash white wool

  1. Cast on 35st 

  2. k 1 row

  3. p2t, p to end

  4. k2t, k to end

Repeat last 2 rows until you have 3 st remaining. Cast off 3 stitches 

Nose with skin tone 

  1. Cast on 9st

  2. inc in all 18st

  3. ss 5 rows

  4. k2t x9 9st

cut wool leaving a long end, bind off by threading

wool through remaining st and using to sew row ends

together. Stuff and attach to the head, so that the bottom

is level with the first row of skin tone for head and

on the opposite side to the back seam.

At this point I sew beard in place  and then hat.

Making sure that is secured either side of nose


Arms (x2) starting on hand with skin tone

  1. Cast on 6st

  2. (k1 inc) x3 9st

  3. p 1 row

  1. (k2, inc) x3 12st

  2. ss 3 rows start with p

  3. k6 cast ON 6st  k6 18st

  4. p 1 row

  5. k6 cast OFF 6st  k5 12st

  6. ss 2 rows start with p

  7. p2t p8 p2t 10st

  8. k3 (k2t)x2 k3 8st

cut wool leaving a long end, to sew row ends of the hand

together later, when the arm is complete.

  1. Change to shirt colour 

wool and p 1 row

  1. inc x8 (knit) 16st

  2. k1row (cuff reverse ss)

  3. p 1 row (end of reverse ss)

  4. p 1 row 16st

  5. k2t, k12, k2t 14st

  6. ss 19 rows start with p

  7. k2t, k3, (k2t)x2, k3, k2t 10st

  8. p2t,p1, (p2t)x2 p1, p2t 6st

cut wool leaving a long end, bind off by threading wool

through remaining st and using to sew row ends together at later point.

Repeat for second arm

Making up arms

Using the long end of skin tone wool from hand, sew row

ends (of hand only) together and stuff.

Go back to top of arm and bind off stitches, use this wool to

sew row ends together, sewing towards hand leaving gap to

stuff arm and then close  remaining gap to finish.

Then attach to body

I place mine close to the neck and inline with the beard.

Shoe (x2) starting at the toe end.

  1. cast on 3

  2. ss 4 rows start with k

  3. inc in all st 6st

  4. p 1 row

  5. (k1, inc) x3 9st

  6. p 1 row

  7. k2, inc, k3, inc, k2 11st

  8. ss 8 rows start with p

  9. p2t x5, p1 6st

  10. k 1 row

  11. p2t , p2, p2t 4st

  12. k2t x2 2st

cut wool leaving long end, bind off by threading wool

through remaining st and using to sew row ends together,

stopping half way to place a little stuffing in half of the shoe. 

Continue sewing seam ends to the cast on edge.

You will notice at the cast ON end the shoe is very narrow,

this is the curl. Push all stuffing to toe end making sure 



Use the remaining long end to sew one stitch

about five rows from end and pull the cast on edge back to form CURL

Sew to base of main piece 

End of Gnorman

Heart using red and leaving long end

  1. cast on 3st

  2. inc in all 6st

  3. p 1 row

  4. (inc, k1, inc)x2 10st

  5. p 1 row

  6. (inc, k3, inc)x2 14st

  7. p 1 row

  8. (k6 inc) x2 16st

  9. p 1 rpw

  10. (k7 inc) x2 18st

  11. p 1 row

  12. (inc, k7, inc) x2 22st

  13. p 1 row

  14. (inc, k9, inc) x2 26st

  15. p 1 row

  16. (inc, k11, inc) x2 30st

  17. p 1 rpw

  18. (inc, k13, inc) x2 34st

  19. ss 3 rows start with p

  20. short row  k2t, k15 turn

 now working only on these 16st

  1. p7,p2t, p7 15st

  2. k2t, k11, k2t. 13st

  3. p5, sl1 p2t PSSO, P5 11st

  4. k2t, k7, k2t 9st

  5. p3 sl 1 k2t PSSO p3 7st

  6. k2t, k3, k2t, 5st

bind off by threading wool through remaining stitches,

only short end required to seal

Rejoin wool to the remaining 17 st

  1.  k15 k2t 16st

  2. p7,p2t, p7 15st

  3. k2t, k11, k2t. 13st

  4. p5, sl1 p2t PSSO, P5 11st

  5. k2t, k7, k2t 9st

  6. p3 sl 1 k2t PSSO p3 7st

  7. k2t, k3, k2t, 5st

bind off by threading wool through remaining

stitches only short end required to seal.

With the long end from cast on sew row ends

together, this forms a back seam.

This FREE Pattern was created

for the sole use of FB group

for the love of all crafts 

The pattern is not for sale and

should not be sold.

Pattern now available to ravelry users.

Thank you.


  1. Thank you very much for this pattern. Looks very cute. How tall is it, thanks.

    1. in DK about 25cm tall
      He can be made smaller by using smaller needles and thinner yarn, obviously it can also be made larger by using chunky and needles as per stated on yarn label.


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