Ducky knitted flat 

Pattern design created by Kaz kew


Wool:50g Chunky /chenille/ faux fur /flutterby type yarn in yellow for Body/head wings.

DK 10g orange for beak

DK Oddment Black for eyes

4mm needles for main piece and wings

3mm needles  for beak

Abbreviations used in this pattern

k Knit

p Purl

k2t Knit 2 together

p2t Purl 2 together

inc increase (Knit into front and Back(KFB), or your preferred method)

st stitches

ss stocking stitch

(--) x? repeat instruction inside bracket the number of time stated {e,g x2 = twice}

W+T wrap and turn, after knitting required number of stitches move yarn to opposite side of work and turn, to work on next row.


Main Piece (Body and Head) starting at the base  

With yellow (chunky) and 4mm needles

  1. Cast on 6st

  2. inc in all st 12st

  3. p 1 row

  4. (inc)x2, k2, (inc)x4, k2, (inc)x2 20st

  5. p 1 row

  6. (inc, k1)x2, k2, (inc,k1)x4, k2,(inc, k1)x2 28st

  7. p 1 row

  8. (inc, k2)x2, k2, (inc,k2)x4, k2,(inc, k2)x2 36st

  9. p 1 row

  10. k12,inc,k2,inc,k4, inc, k2, inc,, k12 40st

  11. k10 rows 

Lifting the tail. Continuing on the main piece, working short rows, one side at a time.

  1. p8, W+T kto end

  2. p6, W+T K to end

  3. p4, W+T K to end

  4. p2, W+T K to end

This completes the first side of short rows

Cast off 10st, p5, (p2t)x4 p16 26st

It should look like this.

Now continue to lift tail on the opposite side 

  1. k8, W+T p to end

  2. k6, W+T p to end

  3. k4, W+T p to end

  4. k2, W+T p to end

This completes the lift on both sides

Cast of 10st, k2t, k11, k2t 14st

It should now look similar to this.

Head continuing with the  14st

  1. p5, (p2t) x2, p5 12st

  2. (k1 k2t) x4   8st 

  3. p1 row

  4. (inc) x3, k2, (inc) x3 14st

  5. p1 row

  6. (inc) x5, k4, (inc) x5 24st

  7. ss 5 rows start with p

  8. (k2, k2t)x6 18st

  9. p1 row

  10. (k1, k2t)x6 12st

  11. p1 row

  12. k2t x 6   6st

cut yarn leaving a long end to sew seam.

With large eyed needle, thread yarn through remaining stitches and bind off.

Sew from bind off stitches to neck and firmly stuff.

Makers tip

 I find when I stuff round objects (like the head) it is always best to form a ring with forefinger and thumb and place my work inside my hand to stuff.


This way the neck does not stretch out of shape


You will find the piece will naturally fold in half

Continue to sew around stopping to allow enough room so that you can stuff

Make sure the corner of the tail has been stuffed. 

When you are happy with the shape sew up remaining opening  

It should be this shape


Wings in main colour on 4mm needles

Cast on 12st

  1. Purl 1 row 12st

  2. k1row 12st

  3. p2t, p8, p2t 10st

  4. k2t, k6, k2t 8st

  5. p 1 row 8st

  6. k2t, k4, k2t 6st

  7. p1 row

  8. k2t, k2, k2t 4st

  9. p1p2t p1 3st

  10. Cast off 

PLACEMENT I placed mine with long edge at top of body almost level with back seam and starting in line with neck  


Beak in DK orange (mustard)

  1. Cast on 16

  2. k3, k2t, k6 k2t, k3 14st

  3. Purl 1 row

  4. k3 k2t, k4, k2t, k3 12s

  5. p2, p2t, k4, p2t, p2 10st

  6. K2, k2t, k2, k2t, k2 8st

  7. p1row

  8. Cast off

It should look like this. Sew row ends together.

Holding cast OFF edge in one hand place your finger inside cast ON end this will form a triangular shape for the beak. Sew to front of head, when in place, the row end seam should be at centre bottom

Stuff slightly and close cast off edge.

Eyes are sewn in black dk, oversewn 3 times, I like mine quite close and level with either side of the beak.

This FREE Pattern was created for the Little yellow duck project  and FB group for the love of all crafts                                                      


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