Ducky knitted flat Pattern design created by Kaz kew Material/equipment Wool :50g Chunky /chenille/ faux fur /flutterby type yarn in yellow for Body/head wings. DK 10g orange for beak DK Oddment Black for eyes 4mm needles for main piece and wings 3mm needles for beak Abbreviations used in this pattern k Knit p Purl k2t Knit 2 together p2t Purl 2 together inc increase (Knit into front and Back(KFB), or your preferred method) st stitches ss stocking stitch (--) x? repeat instruction inside bracket the number of time stated {e,g x2 = twice} W+T wrap and turn, after knitting required number of stitches move yarn to opposite side of work and turn, to work on next row. Pattern Main Piece (Body and Head) starting at the base With yellow (chunky) and 4mm needles Cast on 6st inc in all st 12st p 1 row (inc)x2, k2, (inc)x4, k2, (inc)x2 20st p 1 row (inc, k1)x2, k2, (inc,k1)x4, k2,(inc, k1)x2 28st p 1 row (inc, k2)x2, k2, (inc,k2)x4, k2,(i...